S1 Ep13: Take Me Back To Hell

Lucifer: Season 1, Episode 13 — Take Me Back To Hell

Aired: April 25, 2016


Amenadiel saves Lucifer from being arrested by Chloe and they go to Amenadiel’s office to talk. Dr. Martin shows up and advises the brothers. They go looking for Malcolm while Maze helps Chloe hunt for Lucifer. Amenadiel finds Malcolm, they fight and Malcolm wounds Amenadiel with one of Maze’s daggers. Maze saves a dying Amenadiel with the feather she kept from Lucifer’s wings. Dan turns himself in for helping Malcolm, clearing Lucifer of the murder. Chloe seizes Malcolm’s money and he kidnaps Trixie to force her to give it back. At the exchange, Lucifer is fatally shot when he intervenes to try and save Chloe and Trixie. Lucifer prays to God offering to return to work for him if he saves Chloe. God restores Lucifer’s powers and Chloe kills Malcolm. A worried Lucifer tells Amenadiel that God has asked him to hunt for a soul who has escaped from Hell, their mother.

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Scene:  Inside LUX

(Continuation of the previous episode)

(LUX is empty except for Lucifer and Chloe. Lucifer is standing next to the bar. Chloe has just discovered Preacher Williams laying on the floor on the far side of the bar, dead from a gun shot to the head. Police officers have started entering LUX. Chloe draws her gun on Lucifer.)

Chloe: Put your hands up.

Lucifer: (scoffs)

Chloe: Lucifer Morningstar, you’re under arrest.

Lucifer: Come on, Detective. You can’t seriously believe I killed that pathetic malcontent.

Chloe: It doesn’t matter what I believe.

Lucifer: That’s all that matters, Detective. (He slowly lowers his hands.)

Chloe: Put your hands in the air and surrender yourself.

Lucifer: (laughing)

Chloe: This isn’t funny, Lucifer.

Lucifer: Isn’t it? (laughs) I think this is the grandest joke that I’ve heard in all my time. (laughs) The best part is (yelling) it’s on me! (laughing)

Chloe: (holsters her weapon and show her hands to Lucifer in an effort to lower the tension) Come peacefully. We’ll go to the station…

Lucifer: No. We won’t.

Chloe: (sighs) What are you doing?

Lucifer: I’m accepting my role in all of this. All of humanity’s sins are the Devil’s fault, right? I mean, I thought you knew different, but I was wrong. You’re just like all the others. So, why not add one more murder to the pile?

Chloe: That’s not what this is, Lucifer.

Lucifer: (yelling at officers) Come on. What are you waiting for? You wanted your bad guy. Well, here he is, gift-wrapped just for you!

Chloe: Don’t take another step.

Lucifer: (pointing at a young officer) You! Newbie. Come on. Riddle me with bullets, so you can go home, drink an ice-cold beer, and feel better about yourselves!

Chloe: Don’t shoot him. He’s unarmed.

Lucifer: Oh, you don’t know that. Maybe I have a gun.

Chloe: Hands in the air!

Lucifer: (quickly reaches inside his jacket as if he had a gun) Do it!

Chloe: Don’t! (panting)

(Newbie officer fires. The sound of wings and wind blowing. Lucifer vanishes.)

Officer: What just happened?

Chloe: (Chloe looks behind the bar, then at officers, sighs) Search the area. He can’t have gotten far.

Scene:  Outside On A Hotel Roof

(thunder rumbling. panting.)

Lucifer: Can we not tell anyone you just carried me in your arms like a baby?

Amenadiel: What were you trying to accomplish in there?

Lucifer: Uh, a good death? Or at least a nice and messy one. But then you had to come and ruin everything, like always. (groans) Why’d you swoop in and stop it? Wouldn’t let someone else send me to Hell, is that it? Well, guess what, brother, you don’t need to kill me, because I’m done here. I’ve had my fun on Earth, and… (sighs) there’s no reason for me to stay anymore. You win. I’ll go willingly. Please, just… take me back to Hell.

Amenadiel: No.

Lucifer: (sighs)

Scene:  Back Inside Lucifer’s Penthouse

(Police and Dan are searching. camera shutter clicking)

Malcolm: (to Dan) Hey. What happened to Lucifer?

Dan: You didn’t hear?

Malcolm: (intensely) What happened to him?

Lucifer: He disappeared. He’s on the run.

Officer: (Holding a demon blade in an evidence bag) Ow.

Malcolm: Let me see that.

Officer: Have you ever seen a knife like this?

Dan: Yeah. Uh, I’ll take it to the station.

Officer: Careful. It’s crazy sharp.

Malcolm: Great.

(Chloe looks suspicious as she watches Malcolm leave. Then goes over to Dan at the bar.)

Chloe: (to Dan) Hey. I need to talk to you. I know this is gonna sound crazy, especially after what just happened, but I think Lucifer is innocent.

Dan: Chloe, Lucifer got into a fight with the deceased just a couple hours ago. We both saw it.

Chloe: I know. Just hear me out. Okay? Just pretend you don’t know Lucifer.

Dan: I already like it.

Chloe: Our suspect is a club owner who likes to tell people he’s the Devil.

Dan: You’re not really selling his innocence.

Chloe: He’s a man who embraces desire, lives by his passion. Now think about the body. The guy was executed, single bullet to the head. There’s no passion behind this. This isn’t him.

Dan: Then it’s a frame job. Who would want to set him up?

Chloe: I don’t know.

Officer2: Detective, we may have found the murder weapon.

(Officer is hold a gun in an evidence bag. Dan recognizes it.)

Chloe: Okay. Test it for prints and DNA.

Officer2: Yes, ma’am.

Chloe: Thanks.

Dan: Lucifer’s prints are gonna be on that gun.

Chloe: You don’t know that.

Dan: I do. And I also know you’re right. Lucifer’s innocent.

Chloe: What?

Dan: Chloe, we have to talk. Somewhere else.

Scene:  Back On The Hotel Roof

Lucifer: You don’t want to take me back to Hell? The one bloody thing you’ve wanted this entire time. (chuckles) Did I punch you in the head too hard?

Amenadiel: Maze was right, Luci. We used her. And Malcolm. People have died because of us.

Lucifer: Because of you, you mean.

Amenadiel: Yes. Because of me.

Lucifer: Right.

Amenadiel: Brother, somehow I lost sight of the bigger picture, of the cost of my actions, and just how truly selfish they were. But, Luci, my eyes are wide open now, and I need to make this right.

Lucifer: Do you know, I think this side of you’s actually scarier than the angry one.

Amenadiel: I need to find Malcolm, and I need to send him back to Hell. Will you help me, brother?

Lucifer: (sighs) One last bit of punishment on the way out. (thunder rumbles) It sounds like fun to me.

Scene:  Inside Amenadiel’s Fake Therapists’ Office

(Amenadiel is standing at his desk as Lucifer walks in adjusting he shirt cuffs.)

Lucifer: Ah, there’s nothing like a fresh shirt after a rainy rooftop. What is that smell? (groans) Tropical musk candles. Gosh, the sacrifices you made pretending to be a therapist.

Amenadiel: Yeah, I like that scent.

Lucifer: Of course, you do.

Amenadiel: Okay, can we please just focus? Now, what’s your plan to find Malcolm?

Lucifer: My plan?

Amenadiel: Yeah.

Lucifer: Well, I thought you were the expert at plotting murder. Or not so expert, considering I’m still alive.

Amenadiel: Which is why I brought us here, so that we could come up with a plan.

Lucifer: Right. Well, it sounds more like you want me to do all the heavy lifting. So how’s this? Step one, travel back in time and not make such a mess of things.

Amenadiel: You know, I’m suddenly reminded of why I wanted you dead in the first place. Luci, what is your problem?

Lucifer: (lays down on sofa like a therapy patient would)Oh, good question, Doctor. Well, you see, the thing is that my brother has been trying to kill me and now he wants to work with me but we can’t seem to get along, mainly because he’s an egotistical twit.

(At the open doorway, Dr. Linda appears and knocks)

Dr. Linda: Hello? Oh, I’m sorry, Dr. Canaan. I didn’t realize that you were in session with a…

(Lucifer pops his head over sofa back to look at her)

Dr. Linda: Lucifer? (scoffing) Oh. I can’t believe this. You’re stealing my patient.

Lucifer: (standing up) Uh, not exactly. Actually, you may be just what we need, my dear doctor.

Scene:  Inside Chloe’s Home

(Chloe and Dan stand in living room. Chloe slaps Dan across the face, hard. Apparently Dan has told her about his involvement with Palmetto Street and Malcolm blackmailing him.)

Dan: I deserve that.

Chloe: (yelling) You lied to me. I don’t even know you. You shot a man in cold blood.

Dan: I shot Malcolm to protect you.

Chloe: Everything I saw at Palmetto, it was all true! You let them think I was crazy.

Dan: I never intended…

Chloe: You let me think I was crazy.

Dan: I’m sorry. You don’t get to be sorry. If I could take it all back, I would.

Chloe: You can’t take it back!

Dan: I know.

Chloe: But you can make this right.

Dan: How?

Chloe: Prove Lucifer is innocent. (She moves grabs her keys from the table.)

Dan: Where are you going?

Chloe: Lucifer thinks I abandoned him. I need to find him.

Scene:  Inside Dr. Linda’s Office

(Amenadiel and Lucifer sit sheepishly on couch as Dr. Linda scolds them.)

Dr. Linda: So you’re-you’re brothers?

Amenadiel: Unfortunately.

Lucifer: And we’re having a terrible time working together. But because you’ve been so helpful with me, Linda, hopefully, you can help fix our problems.

Amenadiel: Listen, I know this must be a shock…

Dr. Linda: (to Amenadiel) Are you even a real doctor?

Lucifer: (laughing) No, of course, he isn’t. Gosh, if he had any clue about human nature, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Amenadiel: Oh. You dare criticize me? Luci, you’re arrogant, you’re selfish, all you do is think with your pen1s…

Lucifer: Oh. Oh. Which, of course, you would never do, would you? How’s Maze, by the way?

Dr. Linda: Dr. Martin, will you please tell him to shut up and just listen to reason?

Lucifer: Oh, if by reason, you mean a deceptive load of bull…

Dr. Linda: (yells) Enough! (to Amenadiel) You lied to me about being a doctor so you could manipulate Lucifer, who is actually your brother. Somehow. Do you realize the ethical position you’ve put me in?

Lucifer: (chuckles and sits forward about to say something)

Dr. Linda: And you, let me guess, you were gonna make a sexual joke about putting me in a position.

Lucifer: (stops and sits back on the couch) That’s true, yeah.

Dr. Linda: Because everything’s a joke to you. And yet, for some reason, I take you seriously, even when you insist on clinging to these ridiculous metaphors… Heaven, Hell, angels, devils.

Amenadiel: Actually, they’re not…

Lucifer: (stopping Amenadiel from continuing) Trust me, you don’t want to pick that fight.

Dr. Linda: You claimed you came to L.A. to reinvent yourself, yet every time I think you come upon a moment of realization, you go the exact wrong direction with it.

Lucifer: (with realization) I did… Ho-Hold on. You’re right. I did come to L.A. to start a new life, didn’t I? (to Amenadiel) And now Malcolm’s on the run. He’s gonna need to start a new life, too.

Dr. Linda: No, see, you’re doing it again.

Lucifer: New I.D., bank account, passport. I know just the person to go to.

Amenadiel: Oh.

(Lucifer and Amenadiel leave the office. Lucifer stops in the doorway on his way out.)

Lucifer: Damn, you’re good.

Dr. Linda: Yep. (door shuts)

Scene:  Inside LUX

(LUX is empty. Maze is behind bar pouring herself a drink when Chloe walks in.)

Chloe: (Chloe clears throat) Where’s Lucifer?

Maze: Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you.

Chloe: You’ve never liked me. Why?

Maze: Because every day was a party. Every sin, every desire L.A. offered, we took part. And then he met you.

Chloe: So you think it’s my fault that the party’s over?

Maze: That and the fact that you’re hunting him down like a dog.

Chloe: I don’t think he killed the preacher. I need you to help me find him before another cop does. So where would he go? You know him better than anyone.

Maze: These days it seems you know him better than I do. So where do you think he’s going?

Chloe: To get punishment. Which means he’s going after Malcolm.

Maze: Then maybe he hasn’t changed that much after all.

Chloe: If he gets to Malcolm first, he really will go down for murder.

(Chloe turns to leave then turns back to see Maze getting ready to follow her.)

Chloe: You can’t come with me.

Maze: You said you needed my help finding him, right? I don’t see anybody else backing you up.

Scene:  At A Funeral Viewing

(A body lays in an open casket. A man stands at the podium giving an eulogy for the deceased.)

Man: Byron was a nice guy, a handy guy. He fixed my toaster once. Not a BLT goes by I don’t think of Byron.

(Lucifer and Amenadiel enter loudly from the back and walk down the center aisle.)

Lucifer: Excuse me! Yeah, sorry to interrupt the riveting eulogy, but I’m here to see the funeral director. Hello, Neil. Remember me? (Neil is standing at the side of the room. He half-smiles and looks embarrassed.) In a bit of a rush, unfortunately. Whereas this poor chap, well, he’s not going anywhere, is he?

Neil: Sir, please wait until after we’re finished. This is disrespectful.

Lucifer: Uh, no, this is disrespectful. I mean, this whole show… who’s it for, really? Eh? Not him. He’s not hearing any of this. Would you back me up, please, bro?

Amenadiel: (to an attendee) He is right.

Lucifer: See? Trust me, he should know. No, it’s for you, isn’t it? It’s a selfish way for you to all feel better about yourselves about how much you ignored this poor sod in life. Oh, did you choose this suit?

Neil: Mr. Morningstar, this way. (He motions Lucifer to follow him out of the room.)

Lucifer: Oh, you do remember me? (to man at podium) Feel free to carry on.

Neil: You have no right disrupting this funeral. This is my business.

Lucifer: Yes. Your least profitable one. Your main source of income is creating new identities, which is why I came to you five years ago to get my proper papers and all that.

Neil: And I did great work for you, Mr. Morningstar. So why are you doing this?

Lucifer: Well, if I know you’re the best, then Malcolm Graham does, as well.

Neil: (sighs) The cop.

Lucifer: Yeah.

Neil: Yeah, he needed it to be done fast, but said he’d need time to get his hands on the 100K.

Amenadiel: Where would a homicide detective get that kind of money quickly?

Lucifer: Mm, look at you, Sherlock.

Neil: (sighs) He mentioned an old associate. Tommy, I think.

Amenadiel: Great. We’ll do a search for every “Tommy” in Los Angeles. What’s another thousand years?

Lucifer: No, no, no, no. An old associate of Malcolm’s, you say? I think I might know just the person who can help us. Rhymes with “douche.” Thanks, Neil. (Lucifer and Amenadiel hurry off.)

Scene:  Outside Malcolm’s House

(Chloe and Maze walk up the front walkway.)

Maze: I wish I had my knives.

Chloe: You’re not gonna need ’em.

Maze: I never need them.

Chloe: (knocking on door) LAPD! Malcolm, if…

(Maze kicks in front door and they enter)

Chloe: Oh. Hello? Anyone here?

(The living room has stacks and stacks of merchandise still in the box.)

Maze: (scoffs) Looks like Malcolm likes to shop. You cops must make a lot of money. You hiring?

Chloe: We’re not, and we don’t. I have no idea how he can afford all this stuff.

Maze: Well, if you don’t make good money, why do you do this job?

Chloe: ‘Cause I get to shoot people, which is something you should keep in mind.

Maze: (laughs) No really. Why?

Chloe: ‘Cause I hate it when people get away with things they shouldn’t.

Maze: And you like to shoot people.

Chloe: Yeah.

Maze: Huh. And to think I almost killed you in your sleep that one time.

Chloe: Wait. What?

(A door creaks open. The sound of a shotgun loading. Chloe dives and tackles Maze to the floor just a the shotgun fires)

Maze: (Panting, she says as if aroused…) Oh, now I know why he likes working with you.

(Chloe gets up and takes cover behind a stack of boxes.)

Chloe: Malcolm, it’s the police! Stop firing and put the gun down!

Mel: He’s not with you? Please tell me he’s not with you. (Chloe peeks out) Sorry. I thought you were my husband.

Chloe: Mel, why were you shooting at Malcolm?

Mel: Ever since he almost died, he… he’s been different, he’s been strange. I can’t describe it.

Maze: (knowingly) He has a newfound appetite. An insatiable hunger he just can’t seem to fill.

Mel: How do you know?

Maze: I’ve seen it before.

Chloe: Where? (Maze just shoots her a look.) Right. I forgot who I was talking to.

Maze: It only gets worse.

Mel: It can’t get worse! He spent all our money. And when I saw him today, he…

Chloe: Wait. When did he come by today?

Mel: You just missed him. He was frantic. He was looking for money, and he was angry. He was so angry. And he had this look in his eye, and he said things like…

Chloe: Do you have any idea where he might have gone?

Mel: (scoffs) He said he was gonna go get a beer.

(Chloe’s phone buzzes)

Chloe: Okay. Thanks. Excuse me.

(Chloe walks to the side of the room to talk with Dan who is at the precinct)

Scene:  Inside Police Precinct

Dan: Malcolm’s good, Chloe. I can’t find any evidence tying him to the murders. How’s it going on your end?

Chloe: Malcolm’s not home. Mel said he went out for a beer. Does that make any sense to you?

Dan: No. When I saw him, he was scared. I think he knows Lucifer’s gonna come after him. He looked like a guy getting ready to run.

Chloe: Yeah, well, he doesn’t have the money to get far.

Dan: Yeah, but he’s the kind of guy who’d know how to find it.

Chloe: Oh, maybe there’s a bar that owes him money.

Dan: Yeah, or one that he could rob for some extra cash. I’ll look into it.

(Dan sees something through the glass wall of a nearby office and goes in,door squeaks open and shut. Lucifer is sitting legs crossed on the desk. Amenadiel is standing near him. Lucifer is holding a toy gun in one hand and a bobble head figurine in the other.)

Lucifer: (playfully pointing the gun at the toy) Don’t move, or wobbly head gets it.

Dan: How did you get in here? There’s a manhunt for you.

Lucifer: And this is the last place you’d look, isn’t it? I thought it was quite clever.

Dan: Ooh. You need to get the hell out of here.

Amenadiel: Oh, we’re gonna need some information first.

Dan: (to Amenadiel) Who are you?

Lucifer: Not this again. He’s my brother. I know, shocking, isn’t it? He’s much less handsome than I am.

Amenadiel: We’re looking for Malcolm, Detective. Now, we’ve been told that he’s seeing an associate named Tommy? There are a lot of Tommy’s in…

Dan: (has a profound realization) A beer. Of course.

Lucifer: We’d very much like to know what you just realized.

Dan: Too bad. I’m not telling you.

Lucifer: (Laughs and looks Dan in the eyes doing his mojo) But you want to, though, don’t you?

Dan: (shaking it off) No, I don’t.

Lucifer: Oh, you’re a complicated one. That is a surprise. So, come on, what do you want to do, Daniel?

Dan: Hmm? I… I want to redeem myself.

Lucifer: Oh. And taking down Malcolm would do that, wouldn’t it? So where is he? Come on, you can tell us. Like you said, we’re surrounded by police.

Dan: There’s an old brewery on Third.

Lucifer: Mm-hmm.

Dan: A drug dealer named Tommy Campolongo works out of there.

Lucifer: Ah. Not that complicated after all.

Dan: (Momentarily turning his back on Lucifer) So you two will stay in a holding cell while I…

(Whooshing sound and the blinds move. Dan is shocked to see Lucifer and Amenadiel have vanished.)

Scene:  Back At Malcolm’s House

(Chloe is on the phone with Dan as she and Maze leave the house.)

Chloe: Okay. Tommy Campolongo. That makes sense, that he’d have cash on him. But he’s not gonna hand it over nicely.

Dan: I’m leaving the precinct now.

Chloe: Okay, meet me there with backup. I’m not far.

Dan: Chloe, don’t go… (call ends) Damn it.

Scene:  Inside the Brewery

(Tommy is sitting behind his desk inside a wire caged office with two of his thugs close by. Malcolm is standing across the desk from him.)

Tommy: (to Malcolm) You like that? (laughing) And to think, after all this time, I just thought you were dead.

Malcolm: What can I say? It’s hard to keep a good man down.

Tommy: Mm-hmm.

Malcolm: And now I’m ready to get the old band back together.

Tommy: You have some product you can move?

Malcolm: We’ve got some seizures just sitting there in evidence. Could actually get you a supply today if you’ve got cash.

Tommy: I always have cash, Malcolm. You know that.

Malcolm: That I do, Tommy. That I do.

(Malcolm adjust his shirt and we can see a gun sticking out of his pants waist behind his back.)

Tommy: How much you thinking?

Malcolm: How much you got?

(Tommy laughs. Malcolm imitating Tommy’s laughter. Something clatters in another part of the building. On a security monitor someone lays on the ground)

Tommy: What’s going on up there?

Malcolm: This ain’t me.

Tommy: (to his thugs) What you waiting for?! (the men run to see what is happening)

Malcolm: (Pulls a gun out of the back of pants) But hey. Gift horse and all that… am I right? (Takes a duffel bag from the shelf and tosses it to Tommy) Why don’t you go ahead, open up that safe, my man?

Scene:  In Another Part of the Brewery

(Lucifer and Amenadiel enter a large warehouse room. A group of Tommy’s men have gathered, blocking their way forward.)

Lucifer: Oh… hello there. If you miscreants don’t mind, we’re looking for Malcolm Graham. Hand him over, and we all can be on our way without too much fuss.

Man: You two made a huge mistake walking in here.

(Guns clicking. Amenadiel raises his hand to slow time.)

Lucifer: (Stammers, puts his hand on Amenadiel’s shoulder and half-turns away from men to talk in private.) What do you say we skip the time-slowing shenanigans, hmm?

Amenadiel: What about your mortality situation?

Lucifer: Well, it’s kind of a non-stitch when the detective’s not around. I’ll explain later, but for now, we’ll just, you know, enjoy the moment. (chuckles)

Amenadiel: (smiling) After you.

Lucifer: Lovely. (He turns back towards men and begins to walk forward) Right, I should warn you…

(A gun is fired. A bullet hits Lucifer. He take a step back, unhurt. Grunts then sighs.)

Lucifer: This is hardly a fair fight.

(The fight begins)

Hey, hey…


Hey, hey now

Hey, hey now


Hey, hey, there’s a fire and it’s running, coming in here


Hey, hey now, hey, hey now

Hey, hey

Hey, hey now…

(Lucifer is fighting a man when his gun goes off and the bullet hits Amenadiel who looks back annoyed.)

Lucifer: Sorry, bro. Genuine mistake.

(Fight continues)

Yeah, hey, hey now, burning out of luck

Gonna wear the crown

Hey, hey now, things are burning up…

(Lucifer and Amenadiel now stand over all the men lying on the ground, except one holding an automatic assault rifle. The man pulls the trigger, the gun clicks but jams and does not fire.)

Lucifer: Oh, do you need some help with that?

Things are burning up…

(Lucifer grabs the man and throws him clear across the room. The man screams then falls and is silent.)

Oh, oh, oh.

(Lucifer and Amenadiel both laugh looking at all the unconscious men. Lucifer puts his hand on Amenadiel’s shoulder.)

Lucifer: And to think, we wasted all that millennia fighting each other, right?

(They look at each other and remember they are not friends.)

Amenadiel: We still need to find Malcolm.

Lucifer: Absolutely.

Amenadiel: You know, if we split up, we’ll cover more ground.

Lucifer: Okay, but no hogging all the fun if you find him first… deal?

Amenadiel: Deal.

(man on floor is groaning)

Lucifer: Oh! (Lucifer kicks him. The man grunts and passes out.)

Scene:  Further Inside The Warehouse

(Amenadiel is looking for Malcolm. He walks to the end of an aisle. Malcolm suddenly appears and stabs Amenadiel in the stomach with the demon blade he stole.)

Amenadiel: (Still standing he groans in pain.)

Malcolm: (Holding the blade in Amenadiel’s stomach he speaks) Wow. I mean, wow. I could tell it was something special, but I had no idea that was gonna work. (moaning) But you never know until you try. (groaning) Got to say, you don’t look so scary now, Amenadude.

(Lucifer is now on the far end of the aisle and sees Malcolm and Amenadiel standing close together and misreads what is happening.)

Lucifer:Oi! What part of “no hogging” don’t you understand?

(Amenadiel groans, panting, Amenadiel falls to his knees. Malcolm grabs the bag of money and runs away. Lucifer goes to Amenadiel’s aid.)

Lucifer: (sighs) Bloody hell! There you go, spoiling my fun again.

Amenadiel: Leave me, and go get him.

Lucifer: You know how much I hate being in anyone’s debt. I figure if I save you now, that makes us even, right? Besides, it’s… it’s just a flesh wound. Hardly can see what you’re whining about.

(Amenadiel is panting. They look at each other. They know this wound is deadly serious. Maze appears.)

Maze: What happened?

Lucifer: He was struck with a blade not of this world, Maze.

Maze: One of mine.

Lucifer: Yes.

Maze: I’ll handle this.

Lucifer: How?

Maze: Find him.

Lucifer: (He looks at Amenadiel who nods in agreement) With pleasure. (And runs off after Malcolm.)

Scene:  Further Inside Warehouse

(Clattering as Malcolm runs across a catwalk. Chloe sees him and points her gun.)

Chloe: Malcolm, freeze!

(Malcolm throw bag of money down to the ground so he can get down the stairs quicker.)

Chloe: Stop!

(She fires to scare him. Malcolm is panting and ducking for cover. He tries to grab the bag but Chloe keeps firing. Malcolm gives up the bag and runs away. Chloe, still pointing gun, moves to where Malcolm descended the stairs, looks but doesn’t find him. She knells down to inspect the bag. Suddenly she sees Lucifer has showed up. Chloe stand, draws her weapon and points it at him.)

Chloe: (gun clicks) Don’t move.

Lucifer: Easy, Detective.

Chloe: You’re a hard man to find.

Lucifer: Look, I know you think I’m a bad guy, but I’m simply trying to catch our dear friend Malcolm so I can tear his arms and legs off. This has nothing to do with you.

Chloe: You know I can’t let you do that.

Lucifer: (sighs) You don’t know what he’s done. You’d never believe me anyway. But all you need to know is that he’s here to get money and then he’s gonna disappear. For good.

Chloe: (kicking the bag) You mean this money? I’m not here to arrest you, Lucifer. (puts her gun away) I know you’re innocent. I always have. So let’s catch this b*st*rd together and put an end to all this.

(Chloe picks up bag of money and throws its strap over her shoulder. Together they walk in the direction Malcolm went.)

Lucifer: Ah. Look at us, reunited, and it feels so good.

Chloe: Malcolm won’t get far without his getaway cash. Where’s Maze?

Lucifer: She’s taking care of something important.

Chloe: Oh, of course, your ninja bartender is off on a secret mission.

Lucifer: Why, Detective, are you pining for some good cop/demon cop action?

Chloe: No. I just want to clear your name and find Malcolm.

Lucifer: No, no, no, no, no. Who cares about the Devil’s rap sheet? Why don’t we just skip that part and go straight to the main course?

Chloe: Because it’s incredibly impulsive and shortsighted.

Lucifer: Have you noticed that’s my jam?

Chloe: If we fix your reputation, we’ll preserve everything we’ve done.

Lucifer: You want to keep working with me.

Chloe: And to do that, you need to trust me.

(A door opens near them. We can see police and Dan enter.) (indistinct police transmission)

Lucifer: (sighs and puts up his hands) Okay. Well. Right. Very well, Detective. I’m in your hands. But how you intend to prove my innocence is beyond me.

Dan: Put your hands down. We found the evidence we need.

Lucifer: He did? Can I rethink my surrender?

Chloe: What’d you find? It’s better if I show you.

(Chloe and Lucifer follow Dan out.)

Scene:  Inside Lucifer’s Penthouse

(Amenadiel moans and groans as Maze helps him to the sofa.)

Amenadiel: Enough, Mazikeen. I’ve made my peace with death, whether I go to Heaven or Hell.

Maze: I know exactly where you’re going. Nowhere. You’re staying right here. Now shut up and let me help you.

(The blade is no longer in Amenadiel. He gasps as Maze lifts his shirt. There is blood and a deep wound.)

Amenadiel: There’s nothing that you can do. It would take something divine to heal me.

(Maze grabs a small silver box from table, opens the lid to reveal a single white feather.)

I’m Hollywood…

Amenadiel: You took that from Lucifer?

Maze: I kept it a secret. I thought I could use it to get us back home.

Amenadiel: And you’d give that to me?

Maze: Believe me, I don’t understand this either.

We’ll always be together

Forever, forever



Forever, forever


Scene:  At Police Precinct

(Chloe, Lucifer and Dan emerge from elevator. Lucifer raises his hands.)

Lucifer: (sighs) Why do I feel like I’m walking death row? Should I order my final meal now to save time?

Chloe: Dan says he has it handled. (to Dan) You do, right?

Dan: I do. (He turns to the desk officer and puts his gun and badge on counter.) I’m here to turn myself in.

Chloe: What are you doing?

Dan: I removed a firearm from Evidence lockup, and I gave it to Detective Malcolm Graham. I believe Detective Graham then used that weapon to shoot and kill Jacob Williams, the crime that… Mr. Morningstar is suspected of.

(Two officers come to take Dan away.)

Lucifer: Well, Detective Espinoza, I… didn’t know you had the stones.

Dan: No more Detective Douche?

Lucifer: Well, not today, at least. Let’s go.

Chloe: Dan… (Her phone buzzes and Dan is lead away. She looks at her phone, sees the call is from her daughter, sighs, then walks away, saying to Lucifer…) I need to take this. Hey, honey. Everything okay?

Malcolm: Hello, Decker.

Chloe: Malcolm?

Malcolm: How’s the precinct? I still have a few buddies at the stations. Oh, and I made a new friend today, too. Pulled her out of a boring class for some bonding time. Here, say hi.

(Malcolm hold the phone to Trixie’s ear.)

Trixie: Hi, Mommy.

Chloe: Hey, Trixie. Are you okay, honey? Mommy’s here.

Malcolm: (takes phone back) Uh, that’s enough of that.

Chloe: (sighs) What do you want, Malcolm?

Malcolm: Aw. Poor Chloe Decker. Did someone take something from you, something valuable? Hurts, don’t it?

Chloe: You want your money.

Malcolm: Bull’s-eye. Now, don’t even think about talking to the cops. Remember, you don’t know who’s with me.

Chloe: Okay.

Malcolm: And keep Lucifer out of this. Just you… or she dies.

You’re an unusual suspect now and may be right

The kind all men cannot recollect or forget at night

You’re the rough detective with the smokey eye

Where the person you are after is the other guy…

Chloe: (to an officer) Hey. Um, I need the duffel bag we seized today. Where is it?

Officer: (clears throat) We were just about to take it to Evidence.

Chloe: Okay. I need to examine it.

Officer: Sure.

(Chloe follows officer and they pass Lucifer.)

Lucifer: (to Chloe) Ah, there you are. Is everything all right, Detective?

Chloe: (Curt but also nonchalant) Yeah. Of course. I’ll be right back.

Lucifer: (He looks confused by her reaction) Right.

Scene:  Outside In the Police Parking Lot

(Chloe has duffel bag over her shoulder and she’s walking quickly to her car.)

Well, I’m a rough detective on a glory ride

You keep going faster so I slow down

You hear me laughing

In the background

(A nearby police cruiser siren whoops and an American accent over the PA says…) Detective Decker, step away from your vehicle. Put your hands in the air and walk towards me peacefully. If you do not… I repeat… if you do not, we will have no choice but to shoot you with our new bazooka. We’ve actually been waiting months and months to use it, so, on second thought, please, speed away.

(She now sees it Lucifer getting out of the cruiser with the microphone in his hand. She goes over to him.)

Chloe: What are you doing?

Lucifer: (Over the PA he says, still in an American accent)Well, I could ask you the s… (She grabs the mike, feedback squeals, then he says normally) I could ask you the same thing. You going somewhere without me, hmm? Right after all this talk about trusting you, you’re immediately keeping secrets?

Chloe: I don’t have time to explain to you. Something came up.

Lucifer: Something that obviously requires quite a bit of cash. I didn’t know you had it in you, Detective.

Chloe: It isn’t for me.

Lucifer: Oh, you’re gonna make it rain at the local strip clubs then?

Chloe: Lucifer…

Lucifer: Or perhaps that phone call earlier wasn’t as innocuous as you made it out to be. Fine. You leave me no choice. (He raises the mike to his mouth and Chloe stops him.)

Chloe: Malcolm has Trixie.

Lucifer: Oh.

Chloe: If I get him his money, he’ll let her go.

Lucifer: Right. Because if Malcolm’s established anything, it’s his trustworthiness.

Chloe: What choice do I have?

Lucifer: To ride shotgun with the Devil, for starters.

Chloe: If Malcolm sees you, he’ll kill her. I’m sorry, but I can’t risk it… her life’s at stake.

Lucifer: Right. So you’re just gonna get both of you killed then, are you?

Chloe: He needs this money to leave town. I won’t give it to him until she’s safe.

Lucifer: And what about your safety?

Chloe: Trixie is all that matters.

Lucifer: Detective, I…

Chloe: I don’t have time to argue with you, Lucifer. I realize how bad this can go, but I don’t have a choice. This is my daughter. Promise me you’ll let me go alone.

Lucifer: Fine. You have my word. (Chloe sighs, turns and walks to her car. Lucifer stands watching her go.)

Scene:  Inside An Empty Private Jet Hanger

(The hanger door raises, Chloe drives through, the door drops back down after she passes through.)

Malcolm: (to Trixie who is sitting on a counter) Don’t look so sad. Your mommy’s coming to pick you up.

Trixie: Good. I don’t like you.

Malcolm: What’s not to like? (grunts as he picks her up and puts her on the floor.)

Chloe: (Getting out of her car she sees Malcolm holding Trixie to him with one arm and he points a gun at Chloe with the other.) Trixie!

Malcolm: All right, easy, Decker. Easy.

Trixie: Mommy, can we go home now?

Chloe: Yes, Monkey. (sniffles) We can.

Malcolm: Glad to see you came alone. Now toss the gun.

(Chloe takes out her gun and slides it across the floor to where Malcolm is holding onto Trixie. He stops it by stepping on it with one foot.)

Malcolm: Now the other one.

(She takes a small gun out of her boot and slide it to him also. He stops it with his other foot.)

Chloe: There. You happy?

Malcolm: Yeah, once I get my money, sure. So, where is it?

Chloe: Not without Trixie.

Malcolm: Oh, come on, Decker…

Chloe: (with determination) Malcolm, that’s the deal.

Malcolm: (reluctantly he pushes Trixie forward) Go on.

(Chloe and Trixie embrace)

Chloe: Hi. Okay, listen to me. We’re gonna play a game, all right? I need you to hide until I can come find you.

Trixie: Mommy, I don’t want to play a game.

Chloe: I know you don’t, baby.

(Malcolm imitates gunshot)

Chloe: But I need you to go hide really, really well, okay? Go. (Trixie runs away)

Malcolm: (chuckles) Kids, huh? (sighs, coughs)

Chloe: (Chloe clicks the remote release for he car’s trunk, the lid pops open.) It’s there. It’s-it’s all there. It’s in the bag.

Malcolm: (looking into the trunk but not going for the bag he still points the gun at her.) Yeah. I believe you.

Chloe: (Realizing he’s going to shoot her.)You don’t need to do this, Malcolm.

Malcolm: I know, but I was gonna shoot you at Palmetto, and now I feel like I’ve been given a second chance here, so I’m sure as hell not gonna waste it.

(Suddenly a paper airplane floats between them, makes a U-turn, comes back and lands at Malcolm’s feet. He looks down to see a red devil face drawn on the paper airplane. As he looks down, Chloe takes the opportunity to run for cover in nearby rows of metal shelving.)

Lucifer: Is this really what you did with your second chance? Deary me, Malcolm. Pathetic.

(Malcolm looks up to see Chloe is gone and Lucifer coming up behind him. He points his gun at Lucifer.)

Malcolm: Hey, Lucifer. Hey, buddy. Long time no frame. Though that didn’t stick too well, did it? Guess I need to find a more permanent solution.

Lucifer: (slowly walking towards Malcolm he hold out his his hand, palm up.) Give me the gun, Malcolm.

Malcolm: Why? Not afraid of you. All you’re doing is getting yourself killed. And for what? To buy your precious detective some more time?

Lucifer: No. No, I want to ask you a question.

Malcolm: Oh. (chuckles softly) What do you desire, Malcolm?

Chloe: (hiding in the shelves she whispers to herself) Lucifer, what are you doing?

Lucifer: (Speaking to Malcolm he does his mojo.) What do you yearn for in that… rotten soul of yours?

Malcolm: I…

Lucifer: You’ve been given a second chance, Malcolm. Is killing Detective Decker really what you want to do with it?

Malcolm: (mesmerized) I don’t.

Lucifer: No, of course you don’t. You want to live, don’t you?

(Lucifer is now in front of Malcolm. Lucifer gently touches the hand holding the gun and pushes it down so it is no longer pointing at him.)

Malcolm: I do. More than almost anything.

Lucifer: Almost?

(Malcolm raises the gun and shoots Lucifer in the stomach. Lucifer gasps and falls to the ground.)

Malcolm: There’s one more thing. (bending down to where Lucifer lays.) You feel that? That’s what it’s like to die, my man. I know, ’cause I’ve done it. And what I want, more than anything… is for you to feel that pain. To go through what I did. Because we both know where you’re going to.

(Malcolm takes the Pentecostal coin from his pocket and shows it to Lucifer)

Malcolm: Bet you never expected to miss this thing so soon.

(Weakly, Lucifer tries to take it but can not.)

Malcolm: Yeah. Don’t worry. You won’t be going alone. I’ll be sending Decker along right behind you.

(Malcolm stands up and slowly walks towards shelving.)

Malcolm: (menacingly) Oh, Chloe… Oh, Decker… Here, Chloe, Chloe, Chloe.

Lucifer: (Coughing on blood, Lucifer speaks to God.) I don’t know if this is all part of the plan. Or if You can even hear me. But if You’re up there… Dad… (laughs) I need a favor. (Lucifer gasping) I’ll be the son. You always wanted me to be. (Lucifer choking) I’ll do as You ask. (heartbeat echoing slowly) Go where You want me to. I… In exchange, all I ask is… is that you protect Chloe. (heartbeat stops)

Scene:  Lucifer Returns To Hell

(Ethereal choral music plays. Echoing. Lucifer gently touches a wall.)

Lucifer: Home, sweet home.

(As he walks the halls he notices something odd.)

Lucifer: That can’t be right.

(He slowly goes down a side hallway to end where he finds broken chains and an open door.)

Lucifer: It’s open. (low rumbling) This isn’t possible.

Scene:  Back Inside Jet Hanger

(Lucifer is still on the floor. He quickly sits upright with a gasp for air. He realizes he is alive, looks serious, and gets up. He quietly walks through the shelving looking for Malcolm. Chloe is crouched down and looks at her car where her guns still lay on the ground. Malcolm sees here, points his gun at Chloe who see him and decides to make a run for the guns. Malcolm aims and follows her with his gun ready to fire.)

Lucifer: (Lucifer surprises Malcolm, chuckles.) Hello, Malkie. (Lucifer punches him in the face.)

(Malcolm falls back into cellophane-wrapped crates, rights himself and raises his gun to shoot Lucifer. Four shots ring out. Chloe has retrieved her gun and has shot Malcolm in the chest.)

Malcolm: (Laying bleeding on the floor he says to Lucifer…) It doesn’t matter. (snorting, choking) I’ve got your coin. Oh. I’ll be back.

(Felling in his pocket Malcolm can’t find the coin and starts to panic. Lucifer pulls the coin out of his pocket.)

Lucifer: You’re looking for this?

Malcolm: How…?

Lucifer: (looking skyward) I know a guy. Apparently, He wants me back here.

(Lucifer flips the coin in the air. As it falls is disintegrates and Malcolm is left clawing to grab something that is no longer there.)

Lucifer: (sighs) Sorry, pal. One use only.

(Malcolm grabs on last time at the cellophane crate then passes away.)

(Back at her car, Chloe calls for Trixie.)

Chloe: Trixie! Come out, honey!

Trixie: Mommy, is it over?

Chloe: Yeah, baby, it’s over. Come here.

(Chloe and Trixie embrace. Lucifer walks over to them.)

Lucifer: Hi.

Chloe: Oh, I’m so happy you’re okay.

Lucifer: Excuse me if I don’t join the group hug.

Chloe: (whispering) I thought he killed you.

Lucifer: Oh, he did. Yes. I got better.

Chloe: (She looks at Lucifer suspiciously but happy.) Hmm. You promised you’d let me go alone.

Lucifer: True. But I didn’t say anything about following. (He looks a bit sad.)

Chloe: What’s wrong?

Lucifer: (He sighs and deflects) Isn’t it past her bedtime? Hmm?

Scene:  Inside Lucifer’s Penthouse

(Amenadiel lays asleep alone on the couch where we last saw him. We hear footsteps approaching. Amenadiel wakes up. then Lucifer appears looks at all the broken glass around his bar and sighs. Broken glass clinking and he looks for something to drink. Amenadiel awakes and sits up.)

Lucifer: Ah! Sleeping on the job?

Amenadiel: Luci, we still have to find Malcolm…

(Lucifer has found a broken bottle with alcohol still it and he pours two glasses.)

Lucifer: Malcolm, yes. That’s dealt with. It’s old news, really.

(Grunting Amenadiel raises his shirt to check where is was wounded to find it is healed. He looks around, sighs and asks…)

Amenadiel: Where’s Maze?

Lucifer: Well, I was gonna ask you the same question. Perhaps your snoring drove her away.

(Amenadiel chuckles then sighs. Lucifer walks over and hands him one of the glasses he’s poured.)

Lucifer: I spoke to Dad.

Amenadiel: Excuse me?

Lucifer: Yeah. I offered Him my services in exchange f… Well, that doesn’t really matter. He accepted.

(Lucifer sits down across from Amenadiel.)

Amenadiel: He replied to you.

Lucifer: Mmm. Well, not in words. But His message was clear. And what does Father want? Someone’s escaped from Hell. Must’ve seen a window of opportunity whilst you were incapacitated. I think He wants me to bring our jailbird back.

Amenadiel: That’s it? Well, it shouldn’t be too hard to track down a single errant soul. (chuckles)

(Lucifer clink the glass with his fingernails. He does not look happy.)

Amenadiel: You’re afraid.

Lucifer: Mmm. Damn right I am.

Amenadiel: Right, but you’re never afraid. Who could possibly scare you, brother?

(There is a long pause as Lucifer does not answer.)

Amenadiel: Lucifer… Who escaped Hell?

Lucifer: Mum.