S2 Ep03: Sin-Eater

Lucifer: Season 2, Episode 03 — Sin-Eater

Aired: October 10, 2016

Main Theme of Episode: Lucifer explores punishment and why he punishes.


Chloe and Dan bring Lucifer in on a case involving a serial killer, whose methods of torturing victims bother Lucifer because he sees it as someone usurping his role. They find a connection to an online video-sharing company headed by Leila Simms, as the murder victims are revealed to have shot and posted videos of other people being humiliated. Back at the precinct, Chloe and Dan discuss their effect on Trixie, with Dan finally saying they need to get a divorce. Charlotte insists that Lucifer let her see her other son, Amenadiel. Although Lucifer refuses to help, Charlotte manages to speak to Amenadiel at Lux while she is there alone. Lucifer walks in on the discussion and comes to a decision on the punishment he will give his mother for escaping Hell: she will be sentenced to live among the humanity that she so despises.

Reference Sources Page

Scene:  In A Dark Unknown Place

I-I… can get used to this…

(A desperate, regretful man is apologizing. He is soaking wet.)

Nick: I want to say I’m sorry… for all my sins. For anything I have ever done that hurt people. I was stupid. And I am sorry. I am so sorry. (crying softly) All I want now is forgiveness. I just want to take it all back. Please.

(lighter clicks. flame erupts.)

Nick: No! Just let me take it back! No, no, no, no! No…!

Scene:  Inside Lucifer’s Penthouse

(Woman squealing. Lucifer chuckling. woman moaning. The woman is only wearing a red bra and panties. She’s laying on her side on his coffee table and Lucifer is dripping candle wax onto her skin.)

Lucifer: There’s no need for squeals. We’ll stop this torture any time you like. Just say the word.

Woman: Don’t you dare stop. (chuckles)

(Lucifer and the woman embrace and kiss. Unbeknownst to them, The Goddess has been watching them.)

Goddess: What happens if he stops?

(Lucifer, shocked, freezes in mid-kiss)

Goddess: Well, Lucifer, don’t be shy. Introduce me to your friend.

Woman: (aroused by the prospect of a third) Lucifer, you brought a surprise.

Lucifer: I most certainly did not bring any surprises.

Woman: (seductively) Oh, she’s beautiful.

Lucifer: That’s my mum you’re talking about.

Woman: (surprised, she looks again at The Goddess, then back at Lucifer, then at The Goddess again) This just got too weird.

(woman gathers her clothes and enters the elevator without waiting to dress. elevator bell dings as she leaves.)

Lucifer: (annoyed) Listen, Mum, I know I chose not to return you to Hell, yet…

Goddess: Which I appreciate.

Lucifer: But that doesn’t mean you can just waltz in here and accost my guests.

Goddess: I apologize. It’s just that all these human rules and customs are so confusing. Remember, I’m still getting used to this earthly skin sack.

Lucifer: Yes, yes, you used to be a goddess. I know, but things are different now.

Goddess: And I will figure it out. Now that we’re together again, I just want to be part of your lives.

Lucifer: (holding up a whipped cream canister and a feather duster) Not this part! Out of bounds. Wait. What do you mean by “lives”?

Goddess: I want to see Amenadiel.

Lucifer: (laughs) What?

Goddess: It’s time. I am not going to live in fear of my own son. We may have had our differences…

Lucifer: He literally carried you to Hell.

Goddess: But I created him. Certainly, that has to count for something.

Lucifer: It doesn’t. Bummer, right? One look at you, and he’ll take you right back where you came from. I’m surprised he hasn’t come sniffing around already.

Goddess: Well, what am I supposed to do, just sit here and hide?

Lucifer: See a movie, go to a museum. Catch up on what’s happened over the past few thousand years. You’d be surprised.

Goddess: Yes. I suppose a lot has changed. I mean, who would’ve predicted you would’ve taken on this human job?

Lucifer: I’m a punisher, Mother. It’s what I’ve always done. The only thing that changed was the locale. (scoffs and heads off to get ready for work)

Scene:  At Police Precinct

(Dan rushes in and stops in front of Chloe’s desk)

Dan: I know what you’re thinking, but I was assisting on a stakeout that went long, and I’m really sorry, but I promise you, I will make it up to you, okay?

(We now see it’s Trixie sitting at the desk wear too-large-for-her-face aviator sunglasses.)

Trixie: How?

Dan: (He reveals a piece of cake in a transparent container) Double fudge, your favorite.

Trixie: (she’s happy now she takes the cake) You’re lucky I like you. (sighs)

(Dan sees Chloe on the other side of the room and goes to her)

Dan: Hey.

Chloe: Hey.

Dan: Thank you for letting me do the pickup here at work. I’ve just been running around a lot since the demotion. You know, helping out on everyone else’s cases.

Chloe: Yeah. It’s fine, it’s fine.

Trixie: Are we still going on our family camping trip?

(Both Chloe and Dan look uncomfortable)

Dan: Oh, uh…

Chloe: We’re still ler… working out the logistics of that. Of the trip.

(They go back to quietly talking to each other out of Trixie’s earshot)

Dan: (clears throat) Look, I know that you’re still mad at me. I deserve it. But this stuff between us is starting to affect Trixie. So I think that we need to talk later.

(Chloe’s phone ringing)

Chloe: Yeah, yeah. We should. You’re right. (into phone) Decker. Okay, yeah. Two seconds. (she walks away from Dan)

Scene:  Crime Scene Under A Concrete Bridge

(The charred remains of the begging man from earlier is bound to a pole in the middle of the area. Chloe is showing Lucifer the video on her table of the man begging and being tortured.)

Man: I was stupid. And I’m sorry.

(indistinct police radio chatter)

Chloe: Victim’s name was Nicholas Sands, 35. Worked as an exec at the Internet startup called Wobble.

Lucifer: Wobble? Please tell me that’s a pornography site.

Ella: Oh, no, no. Wobble’s like a next-gen Facebook, you know? People post updates, photos, links. Mine’s mostly slo-mo videos of me doing cannonballs onto inflatable pool toys. You should check it out.

Lucifer: I’ll pass, but thank you.

Chloe: Nick’s confession was posted to his Wobble account six hours ago, right around the time of death. Which means whoever did this wanted us to find that video.

Lucifer: So we could see how weepy this chap was before he died. Now, that is cruel.

Chloe: Ella, do we know how the fire started? Any chemicals we can trace?

Ella: So far, all we’ve got is paraffin oil. Which is highly flammable, but also, like, everywhere. Even in crayons, so color at your own risk.

Chloe: Doesn’t help us narrow the suspects.

Ella: Yeah, but this might. Okay, so based on the burn pattern, which is pretty gnarly in this case, it looks like the highest concentration of accelerant was placed, well… here.

(points to the dead man’s crotch)

Lucifer: (humorously) Goodness gracious, great balls of fire.

Chloe: Lucifer.

Lucifer: I mean, I’ve heard of hot pants, but this really brings new meaning to the term “fire crotch,” doesn’t it?

Chloe: Lucifer.

Lucifer: Wait. I have more. Smokey Bobinson. Weekend at Burnie’s.

Ella: His burning bush?

Lucifer: Oh. Very good. (chuckles, then says quietly to Ella…) That was actually me, by the way, so don’t tell anyone.

Chloe: Hey, guys? Dead body. Can you please take this seriously?

Lucifer: I assure you, Detective, I’m taking this very seriously. Look at this. Our killer was clearly punishing his victim.

Chloe: And?

Lucifer: And punishing is my job. So if there’s someone out there stealing my jam, I need to find out who. It’s game bloody on.

Chloe: Do not touch the charred crotch. Is a sentence I never thought I’d say out loud.

Lucifer: It’s vicious work. I mean, I reserve this kind of treatment for the truly terrible in Hell. Pedophiles, Nazis. People who put their seats back on a plane.

Chloe: Uh-huh. Seeing as the nature of the crime is so specific, we need to figure out who had a personal grudge against the victim.

Lucifer: Hmm.

Chloe: (pointing to a missed button on his shirt) Uh, by the way, you’ve skipped a spot, there.

Lucifer: Oh. (chuckles and buttons it)

Chloe: Yeah, it’s not like you to miss a step in the clothing department.

Lucifer: Yes, well, I had to rush out this morning. I’ve got an unexpected houseguest I can’t get rid of.

Chloe: Oh, right. New lady friend that you can’t shake.

Lucifer: A rather old one, actually.

Chloe: (thinking about Dan) Yeah, I know how… complicated exes can be.

Lucifer: What? She’s not an ex.

Officer: You should see this, Detective.

Chloe: Thanks. What is it? Emails from Nick’s supervisor at Wobble. A woman by the name of Leila Simms.

Lucifer: Let me guess, something riveting about the latest quarterly report?

Chloe: (reading emails aloud) “How could you? “I should have known better. You won’t get away with this.”

Lucifer: “I’ll burn you starting with your man parts”? No. (sighs) Still, that’s a pretty good lead.

Chloe: Yep.

(Chloe walks away. Lucifer hesitates and then before following her he reaches out his hand towards the burned man.)

Chloe: (from off-camera) Do not… touch… the charred crotch.

(A chastised Lucifer stops and then sheepishly follows her.)

Scene:  Inside Wobble’s Executive Offices

(Leila stands behind her desk, obviously shaken)

Leila: And Nick was so… sweet and charming. How could someone do such a thing?

Chloe: So, Leila, you were his supervisor. How well did you know him?

Leila: We dated briefly, a while ago.

Lucifer: Oh.

(Lucifer sighs, looks down at a lit candle in front of him on the desk, and with the back of his hand slides it away from himself)

Lucifer: Would you say things sort of flamed out, or did they end in more of a blaze of glory?

Chloe: Lucifer.

Lucifer: You’re right, far too subtle. Why did you torture the poor young man to death?

Leila: Torture him? Oh, God. You think I had something to do with this?

Chloe: Well, we know about the angry emails.

Leila: I was pissed off. He shared pictures of us together.

Lucifer: Mm, mid-coitus? If so, we’ll have to confiscate those immediately.

Leila: No. Just of us at-at dinner. But I’m his boss, and inter-office romance is frowned upon here.

Lucifer: Well, it hardly seems worthy of lighting a man’s johnson on fire.

Leila: Wait. Is that how he died? (she has a realization) There’s something you should see. (calling out to other room) Ray, can you come in here, please? Ray, I’m gonna need you to pull up the video of Tommy at the company retreat.

Ray: The video of Tommy?

Leila: (to Chloe and Lucifer) Ray’s head of our H.R. Being protective is part of his job. (sternly to Ray) Do it, Ray. (Ray goes over to a computer)

Leila: Nick was a charmer, but he had a tendency to be a little harsh with interns.

Ray: Aka, he could be a real dick. (taps on computer keys) As you’ll see.

(Video plays of a man sleeping in an outdoor lounge chair. Another man, with a lit lighter, ignites the sleeping man’s shorts causing him to stand up and pat his crotch to put the flames out.)

(We see and hear Tommy on the video) Aah! Aah! (laughter) My balls! Get it off! (laughter continues)

Lucifer: (laughing) Come on, that is quite funny.

Leila: Nick posted the video shortly after the retreat, and even though it was quickly taken down, everyone saw it. Tommy was a laughingstock. He quit pretty soon after.

Chloe: Certainly looks like motive.

Lucifer: Huh. (Looking confused and not sure he agrees with her.)

Scene:  Inside Police Interrogation Room

(Tommy from the video is sitting across from Chloe. Lucifer is standing behind him leaning against the wall.)

Chloe: What can you tell me about Nick Sand’s death?

Tommy: Just that the b*st*rd finally got what he deserved. Okay.

Chloe: And why did he deserve it?

Tommy: As soon as I took the job at Wobble, Nick made it his personal mission to make my life hell. Sabotaging my work, terrorizing me, making me the butt of all of his jokes.

Lucifer: Or the balls, in this case?

(Chloe shoots Lucifer a look)

Tommy: That stupid video was my breaking point. (speaking like a hurt child would) Everyone saw it. Everyone laughed at me!

Chloe: No one’s laughing now, Tommy. So after everything that happened, what, you-you wanted to make him feel your pain?

Tommy: He deserved what happened to him.

Tommy: Yeah, but you’re not answering the question. (Tommy looks away) Did you kill Nick? (Tommy does not answer)

Lucifer: (steps over to the table next to Tommy) I understand punishment all too well, Tommy, and Nick deserved to be punished. (Lucifer sits on table edge)

Tommy: (now looking up at Lucifer) He did, didn’t he?

Lucifer: Mm. He took your dignity, and so you had to take your revenge. There was no other way to get your proverbial balls back. (Leaning in and putting his hand on Tommy’s shoulder, Lucifer begins the lead-in of his mojo) So tell me… …did you desire…

Tommy: (Speaks before Lucifer’s mojo takes effect) I killed him.

Lucifer: Oh. Well, that took all the fun out of it.

(Lucifer and Chloe leave interrogation room)

Chloe: That did not go how I expected.

Lucifer: (happily) Oh, come now, Detective. He obviously wanted people to know that he got his revenge. Now our would-be punishers’s brought to justice, and the field is mine again…

(Lucifer sees something on the other side of the precinct and his mood instantly changes.)

Lucifer: What on earth is she doing here?

(We now see The Goddess talking with a group of officers. Chloe looks and recognizes the woman.)

Chloe: Charlotte Richards. The defense attorney we saved, remember? She must be back here defending some scumbag.

Lucifer: But why are they all being so… chummy?

Chloe: Well, she used to be a cop, and, oh, yeah, ’cause she’s a knockout. (Lucifer walks away towards the group)Personally, I’m surprised that you haven’t tried…

Lucifer: Pardon me, pardon me. (leans in and takes The Goddess’ arm) Excuse us. Charlotte, hello. Do you mind if we have a quick word? (chuckles and leads The Goddess away towards elevators)

Lucifer: (quietly) What are you doing here, Mother? I thought we agreed you’d do something constructive with your time, like mall walking or a studio tour, perhaps, but… How did you even find your way here?

Goddess: Well, it wasn’t difficult. I simply smiled at a male human and asked him to take me.

Lucifer: Need I remind you that Charlotte Richards has a husband out there who’s wondering where she popped off to. And you have a son who wants to take you back to Hell. So drawing attention to yourself in a police station in this little… getup, not a good idea.

Goddess: But I had to see it for myself. My boy, working, toiling, amidst humanity’s muck.

Lucifer: Well, I hope it’s everything you imagined and more. Now go see Cabaret. I’m sure you’ll find it riveting.

Goddess: I just don’t understand. Of all the things that you could do with your talents, law enforcement?

Lucifer: Have you considered I might enjoy exploring humanity? (elevator bell dings and doors open. Lucifer puts his palm on The Goddess’ chest and walks her backward into the elevator.)

Goddess: They eat, darling. All they do is eat. And then afterward, the food comes out changed and not for the better.

(elevator doors close on The Goddess. Lucifer turns to see Chloe standing there looking amused.)

Lucifer: Detective.

Chloe: I didn’t realize you and Charlotte knew each other so well.

Lucifer: Oh, we do and we don’t. It’s a long story, really. (he walks past her back towards her office) Right, shall we go somewhere to, uh, celebrate solving the case?

Chloe: No. Not yet. Tommy was humiliated. Makes sense why he’d want to kill Nick. But something just doesn’t sit right.

Lucifer: Detective, you, of all people, should know how good it feels to punish someone who’s wronged you.

Chloe: How so?

Lucifer: Oh, come now. You may not be roasting Dan’s chestnuts… yet… but a shoulder shrug here, a dismissive look there could be just as effective.

Chloe: Okay, fine. Maybe I’ve been a little hard on Dan lately, but he deserves it.

Lucifer: And I’m sure you found it very satisfying. But have you considered for just one moment how your fighting affects those caught in the middle?

Chloe: You mean Trixie?

Lucifer: What? No, I mean me. Think how terribly bored I am by it all. Ah, look, there he is. Now’s your chance to stop with your “will they, won’t they” nonsense.

Chloe: It’s not that simple. I’m avoiding a difficult conversation.

Lucifer: Well, I…

(They both go silent as Dan walks up to them.)

Chloe: Hi.

Dan: There’s something you got to see. Another apology video dropped along with another body.

Man on video: I know it was wrong! I shouldn’t have posted that video! She didn’t deserve to be humiliated like that. (sobs) I’m sorry.

Scene:  In An Abandoned Industrial Warehouse

(Lucifer and Chloe find a dead man dressed in a schoolgirl uniform, tied with arms outstretched, with an apple in his mouth)

Chloe: (sighs) Two murders. Same M.O. But Tommy was already in custody when this guy was killed. There’s no way he did this.

Lucifer: Tommy wanted his dignity back. Whoever did this clearly had a much grander objective in mind.

Chloe: Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we’re tracking a serial killer.

(A little while later, still, at the second crime scene, police and forensics have arrived. Ella is taking photos of the body.)

Chloe: (telling Lucifer the victim’s details) Victim’s Adam Wiser, 29, worked as an assistant at a local bank. Time of death was two hours ago, but apparently, he’s been missing for almost two days.

Lucifer: Ooh, that’s a long time on a s*x rack. Not a record, but quite impressive.

Chloe: Ella, we know the cause of death?

Ella: Well, he’s got broken ribs, a ruptured spleen, and possible cranial bleeding, which would all totally suck. And yet, this dude asphyxiated.

Chloe: He was choked with an apple?

Ella: No. More like an orchard. We’re gonna have to cut him open to get the rest. That’s messed up.

Lucifer: Certainly brings new meaning to the term “deep throat.”

Chloe: Why not just kill the guy? Why all the pomp and circumstance?

Lucifer: Well, our punisher’s clearly sending a message. Perhaps if we find the video that Apple Boy is apologizing for, we’ll know what that message is.

Chloe: (hands Lucifer the file folder she was reading from) Hold this.

Lucifer: What are you doing?

Chloe: The original video was filmed on Nick’s phone, right? What if Adam’s doing the same thing? (pulls out her cell phone and dials the dead man’s phone. phone beeps. Another phone’s ringtone is heard coming from inside the blouse on the body)

Lucifer: Be careful, Detective. Might be a booby trap.

Chloe: (sighs without amusement at Lucifer’s pun. ringtone continues) The video’s already cued up. Look at this.

(they watch part of an S&M s*x video of a woman bound in leather with a ball-gag in her mouth.)

Chloe: Notice anything familiar?

Ella: The ball gag’s amaranth. Just like the apple.

Lucifer: What, so our killer’s paying homage to a bloody s*x tape?

Chloe: He’s recreating the crimes he’s punishing for. First lighting Nick’s groin on fire, now this. He’s upping his game.

Ella: Yeah, but what’s with the outfit? I mean, other than giving me super creepy flashbacks to Catholic school, it doesn’t add up.

Lucifer: And the woman is not wearing one in the video. She certainly looks too old to be in school.

Chloe: Unless she teaches at one.

(A little while later, still at the crime scene. The body is being wheeled out in a body bag. Lucifer and Chloe are walking as she reads from a file about the woman from the video. siren whoops)

Chloe: Her name’s Sarah Aiken, 27. Third-grade teacher.

Lucifer: Cute. Not hot, but extra points for proclivities.

Chloe: When she broke things off with Adam, he uploaded his revenge p0rn to Wobble. Some teachers caught wind of it, and she was fired.

Lucifer: Well, maybe she took out both Nick and our loathsome ex. You know, no harm, no foul.

Chloe: And no dice because she had no connection to Nick. And shortly after she lost her job, she killed herself.

Lucifer: What, so our poor, s*xy teacher’s dead, and our apple-chomping schoolboy’s responsible? And the only other connection we were able to find is that both victims posted their illicit videos to Wobble.

Chloe: So, maybe some sicko saw both videos and decided to take action.

Lucifer: “Sicko”? Sounds to me like someone’s doing our job for us. We don’t exact vengeance, Lucifer. Well, maybe we should. As far as I’m concerned, these little w*nkers got exactly what they deserved. See you later.

Chloe: Hey, where are you going? We have to find out who did this.

Lucifer:Well, I thought someone out there was stealing my job, but far be it for me to stand in the way of excellent work. I’m off for a drink.



Scene:  Inside LUX

(Dr. Linda and Maze sit at the bar talking.)

Dr. Linda: (chuckles) No. Honestly, I’m impressed. It’s hard going out on your own. Changing old habits. I admire the steps you’re taking.

Maze: Well, don’t admire too much. I’m still coming to Lux.

Dr. Linda: Hmm, yes. Baby steps are fine. Plus, the view here is… nice. (chuckles softly as she looks at the bartender who smiles back at her) The real key is to avoid setbacks.

Maze: (sees someone walking towards them and sighs) Setbacks that are tall, blond and have a special place in Hell?

Goddess: (happily carrying shopping bags) Mm. Hi, Maze. (to Dr. Linda) Hi, human. (she continues walking towards the penthouse. Maze and Dr. Linda watch her climb the stairs.)

Maze: I need to get rid of that bitch.

Dr. Linda: Now I know why you’re still here.

Maze: Why?

Dr. Linda: You and Lucifer are very close. It’s normal that you be jealous of a new girlfriend.

Maze: (laughs) I’m not jealous.

Dr. Linda: Ah. Mm-hmm.

Maze: And she’s not his girlfriend. (chuckles) She’s just toxic. Lucifer doesn’t see it, but I do.

Dr. Linda: Oh, so you want to protect him?

Maze: I want her to get what she deserves. Which, at the very least, is a head-butt. I’ll be right back. (moves to follow The Goddess)

Dr. Linda: (stopping Maze) Okay, okay. (chuckles) Okay, maybe… we should start with our words. Perhaps as Lucifer’s friend, you can talk to him. Express how you feel.

Maze: He won’t listen. (has another thought) But maybe someone else will. (Maze grabs her jacket)

Dr. Linda: Where are you going?

Maze: Taking your advice. (to bartender) Hey, Man Bun. Take care of my friend.

Dr. Linda: (sighs to herself) Why do I even try?

Man Bun: (smiling) Because you’re an incredible woman.

Dr. Linda: (she smiles back at him) Oh.

Scene:  Inside Forensic Lab

(Chloe is looking at evidence spread out on the table and speaks to an officer as he leaves the room)

Chloe: Thanks.

(Dan walks in)

Dan: So, I reached out to Wobble to cross-reference who saw both Nick and Adam’s videos.

Chloe: And?

Dan: They lawyered up. Hid behind privacy laws, and without a warrant, Wobble won’t let us anywhere near their viewership data.

Chloe: Okay, pull the warrant, and I’m on my way there.

Dan: No problem. (he turns to leave)

Chloe: Dan.

Dan: Um…

Chloe: So I’ve been thinking about the trip, and, um… I don’t think it’s fair to put Trixie in the middle of our problems, you know?

Dan: So you want to skip it.

Chloe: No, I want to spare us all heartache and… I just feel like if we go on the trip and, you know, we pretend everything’s fine, then we’re just lying to her.

Dan: Yeah. All right. (he turns and leaves)

Scene:  At LUX

All eyes on me


All eyes on me


All eyes on me

Revving it up

Getting started, time to press play

Plugging it in

Level ten through the earth shake

But we’re the wild and the free

No controlling…

(Lucifer is having a drink at the bar and enjoying watching the people partying. He sees a woman dancing on a table and doesn’t immediately recognize her as The Goddess. When he does he hurries through the crowd to her.)

Lucifer: Excuse me. Excuse me. Mom.

Goddess: Oh.

Lucifer: What do you think you’re doing?

Goddess: I’m taking your lead, son. Learning about your beloved humanity.

Lucifer: By dancing at my club?

Goddess: Well, I saw all the people on the tables smiling and I wanted to discover what they were so happy about.

Lucifer: Oh, is it possible it’s the money that I pay them?

Goddess: It’s possible. But I have to admit that when I started dancing, rubbing up against the other humans, I got a tingling sensation…

Lucifer: Okay, that’s enough. (He puts The Goddess over his shoulder, carries her away using one of his hands to shield his face from her butt.) Excuse me, excuse me, thank you.

(Once up on the landing, he puts her down.)

Goddess: I don’t understand. I thought you’d be pleased by my effort.

Lucifer: Disturbed is more like it. Are you actually trying to systematically disrupt every part of my life?

Goddess: No. I’m trying to learn about every part of your life.

Lucifer: Oh, right. How’s that going for you so far?

Goddess: Well, quite illuminating, actually. I understand now why you have this provocative club. I understand why you amused yourself with that curvaceous savage. (sighs) But what I don’t understand…

Lucifer: Is my human job. Yes, I know. It’s very simple… I’m a civilian consultant.

Goddess: But why do you still punish people?

Lucifer: It’s what I’ve always done.

Goddess: That’s not true. That’s who your father wanted you to be. Are you still trying to win him over?

(Enraged, Lucifer’s eyes glow red as he steps towards her.)

Lucifer: Careful, Mother.

Goddess: Why? Are you going to punish me?

(Lucifer is taken back. His eyes return to normal. The Goddess leaves. Lucifer is left perplexed.)

Scene:  At Wobble

(Chloe and Leila walk the halls as they talk.)

Leila: I’m sorry, Detective. I looked into the two videos in question, and unfortunately, there was no overlap.

Chloe: Doesn’t make any sense. I’ll need a list of everyone who saw the videos.

Leila: Sadly, we don’t track people, just I.P. addresses.

Chloe: (sighs) Maybe I’m looking at this the wrong way. Can you take me through how your video process works?

Leila: Well, our users can upload anything they want. And if we find that the content’s inappropriate… uh, anything from animal cruelty to beheadings… it gets taken down.

Chloe: By who?

Leila: Our content moderators.

(They now stand in front of the content moderators offices)

Chloe: Huh.

Leila: Most of them only last a few months. Frankly, most people can’t stomach something so dark or upsetting.

Lucifer: (We hear Lucifer’s voice coming from the content moderators’ offices. He is watching a video over the shoulder of one of the moderators.) Right. (Lucifer laughing) God, that has got to smart. (Lucifer laughs) Can I see that again?

Chloe: (Chloe enters the room) Lucifer?

Lucifer: Oh, Detective. You’re here. Did you know that this room collects all the best parts of the Internet?

Chloe: Can I talk to you for a second?

Lucifer: Yeah, yeah. But you got to see this… a-a naked man thinks he can jump on the back of a rhino. (laughs) You’ll never guess what he lands on. Actually, you probably will. (He notices she doesn’t look amused) What? You’ve seen it already?

(Chloe waves her hand motioning him to follow her to another part of the room. Lucifer sighs and complies.)

Chloe: What are you doing here?

Lucifer: Trying to catch our killer. Duh.

Chloe: I thought you didn’t care whether this sicko was brought to justice.

Lucifer: Oh, I don’t. But then I realized that our killer may have the answer to a question that I’m, you know, struggling with.

Chloe: Mm.

Lucifer: Why does he punish?

Chloe: That’s it? First, you want to teach this vigilante a lesson, and now you want to have a talk with him?

Lucifer: Yes. And lucky for me, I found out where you were headed. (chuckles) I mean, these videos are enthralling.

Chloe: No, I-I can’t. I can’t watch these.

Lucifer: Oh, I’ve seen worse. But never so many collected in one single room. You know, if I ever go back to Hell, I am getting me one of these. Selfish bastards get to see everything.

Chloe: (she thinks about what Lucifer just said and realizes something) Yeah. They do. I know where the overlap is. (She hurries off and Lucifer follows.)

Scene:  Inside Amenadiel’s Fake Therapist Office

(Amenadiel sits on the floor drinking from a bottle of wine. The room is littered with trash. From a height, he pours some wine into the glass below while trying to slow time. The wine stream sputters but then continues to pour normally. He sighs at sits staring at the wall. There’s a knock on his door)

Maze: Amenadiel, I know you’re in there.

(Amenadiel, surprised, jumps up and tries to clean the room. From outside the room Maze hears the hand-held vacuum whirring)

Maze: Open up!

(Maze busts through the door breaking the door jam. Amenadiel turns off the vacuum)

Amenadiel: Hey.

Maze: What are you hiding?

Amenadiel: Nothing. (chuckles)

Maze: (laughs) Oh. I see what’s going on with you.

Amenadiel: (Worried she knows the truth) You do?

Maze: Sure. Humans say that rebound s*x is important after a breakup. You don’t have to hide that you’re getting some. (laughs) I’m not.

Amenadiel: (relieved she guessed wrong) Right. Of course. I didn’t want you to feel awkward. Silly me. (sighs) So what are you doing here?

Maze: I have a problem. I need your help. There’s a new… woman in Lucifer’s life. I want her gone, but he won’t listen to me.

Amenadiel: And why do you care? I thought you were stepping away from both of us.

Maze: I am. (Amenadiel looks down and sees one of his decayed wing feathers on the floor between them) But before I do, I need you…

Amenadiel: (he quickly gets up and puts himself between Maze and the feather so she won’t see.) I’ll talk to him. Yeah.

Maze: Well, that was easy.

Amenadiel: I’m his big brother, Maze. I really should start looking out for him more often.

Maze: Okay. Thank you.

Scene:  Back At Wobble

(Lucifer stands outside the glass wall watching content moderators work as Chloe walks up to him talking on her phone.)

Chloe: (on phone) All right. Thanks. (to Lucifer) Dan’s working with Wobble to trace what moderator may have pulled both videos. Hopefully, we’ll have an answer soon.

Lucifer: Then why are you so sure the killer’s one of these misanthropes?

Chloe: Well, serial killers usually start with someone they know. If the killer worked here, they knew Nick, saw how much the prank hurt Tommy.

Lucifer: So you think seeing someone they recognized in one of these twisted videos finally made them snap?

Chloe: Maybe it awakened something in them. Something that was always there, just fighting to get out.

Lucifer: (scoffs as he beings to identify with the moderators’ plight) But… they were just trying to do a job. Job no one else wanted.

Chloe: Well, maybe they chose that for a reason.

Lucifer: No one chooses to be a sin-eater, Detective. No one wants to be custodian of the world’s filth. Why would they? Absorbing the worst humanity has to offer, day in and day out. Changes you.

Chloe: So you think it’s the job’s fault that they started to punish?

Lucifer: People don’t arrive broken. They start with passion and yearning till something comes along that disabuses them of those notions. Hmm. Which means… that none of these people did it.

Chloe: Okay. I’m not following.

Lucifer: Well, look at Tim there, with the photos of his ugly children. Ivan and his flowerpots. Poor Andrea’s still hoping Destiny’s Child get back together. Don’t you see? These people still have hope.

(Just then the content moderator, Tim, walks by.)

Chloe: Excuse me.

Tim: Yeah.

Chloe: Who’s had this job the longest?

Tim: Um… maybe me. I’ve been at it two whole months.

Lucifer: Huh.

Chloe: Oh. Anyone else?

Tim: No. Other than Leila, of course.

Chloe: Leila, your boss?

Tim: Yeah. She started as a moderator before the company blew up. She was the first of us.

Chloe: Thanks. (Tim leaves)

Chloe: (to Lucifer) Leila knew Nick, she had access to the videos. If she’s behind this…

Lucifer: She’s known what we’ve been doing every step of the way.

Chloe: (dials her phone) Dan, I need you to see if you can trace the videos to one person in particular now. (sighs) We’re looking at Leila Simms.

(Inside Leila Simms’ Office)

(Chloe and Lucifer rush into the office to find it empty.)

Chloe: I can’t believe we had the killer right under our nose.

Lucifer: And she’s gone. Touché, Leila. Touché.

Scene:  Inside Lucifer’s Penthouse

(Amenadiel steps out of the elevator into the main room.)

Amenadiel: Luci? Luci, you home?

(The Goddess now stands in the bedroom doorway wrapped in a towel. Her hair is still damp from a shower.)

Goddess: He’s not here. He left in quite the hurry before. Think it was something I said.

Amenadiel: (not recognizing her in human form) I’m sorry. Are you his latest, uh…?

Goddess: Trust me, I’m not his latest anything.

Amenadiel: All right. So, what are you doing here, then?

Goddess: I’m having a bit of an existential crisis, I suppose.

Amenadiel: I’ve been known to be a good listener.

Goddess: (slowly stepping closer to him) Okay. Uh… I’m having some trouble with my kids.

Amenadiel: Needed to get away from them for a little bit?

Goddess: No, the opposite, actually. I’m trying to get closer to them, but I’m not having much luck. Tell me. (pointing at him) Are you a good son?

Amenadiel: I try to be.

Goddess: Well, then perhaps you can explain. Would a good son blindly take his father’s side in a divorce? (now she is standing in front of him) Would a good son send his mother to Hell? And would a good son stand here right before me, without a care in the world, plotting to send me back?

Amenadiel: Mom?

Goddess: I thought I would come to Earth to be with my sons. Instead, Lucifer is obsessed with his human job, and you’re still your father’s loyal soldier. I’m tired of fighting for things that I’m never gonna have. So just take me back, Amenadiel. I’m ready.

(The Goddess doesn’t realize Amenadiel has lost his wings and can’t fly her back. She reaches out and hugs him. He sighs. She sniffles as she draws back and takes his face in her hands.) No matter what happens, I will always… love you. Always.

Scene:  At Police Precinct

(Chloe at her desk, gets off a phone call and turns to Lucifer who is resting against the desk behind hers.)

Chloe: Leila took down both videos, killed Nick and Adam, and then led us by the nose until she had time to escape. Why didn’t I realize it was her?

Lucifer: Because as a punisher, she’s quite adept at avoiding her own medicine. Quite impressed, really.

(Computer beeps. We see a “Judgment Day” alert on the screen)

Chloe: (yells across the room) Hey, Dan.

Dan: Yeah, I just saw it. I’m already working on a trace.

Lucifer: “Judgment Day”? Oh. People should really be careful how they use that phrase. It isn’t actually due for another couple of years.

Chloe: She’s gonna kill herself live on the air.

Lucifer: What? Well, that won’t do at all. How am I supposed to talk to her if she’s dead?

Chloe: Glad you have your priorities in order.

Lucifer: Thought we were dealing with someone smart and clever, who tortured with a brutal sense of irony, but killing herself whilst humiliating her company…

Chloe: Doesn’t fit the pattern. (to nearby tech) Hey, Sharon, can you pull up the video of Leila driving again?

Sharon: Yeah. Sure.

Chloe: (looking over Sharon’s shoulder) Pause it there.

Lucifer: What are you looking for, Detective?

Chloe: (to Sharon) Zoom in to the edge of the seat. Can you go in tighter?

Lucifer: Well, I know images can be deceiving, but that looks an awful lot like a gun, doesn’t it?

Chloe: Leila’s not our killer. She’s in danger. You understand this sicko pretty well. Where do you think he’s going?

Lucifer: Well, somewhere linked to her sins, I suppose.

Chloe: We barely know Leila. Who knows what the killer thinks she’s done?

Lucifer: Well, she runs the company that hosts humanity’s worst depravities, but we know she’s not there.

Chloe: Hey, Dan, how’s the trace coming?

Dan: The I.P. just keeps pinging back to Wobble’s main server. It’s got to be a mistake.

Chloe: Unless it’s not a mistake at all.

Scene:  Inside Wobble’s Server Farm

(Lucifer and Chloe creep through rows of servers)

Lucifer: You know, if you take away the blinky lights and add some lost souls, this place bares a striking resemblance to Hell.

Chloe: Shh. Listen. (Leila speaking quietly. Lucifer and Chloe move closer to where Leila is speaking, Chloe has her gun drawn,)

Leila: (scared and tearful she speaks into a cell phone she is holding) My name is… Leila Simms. I’m one of the co-founders of Wobble. I wanted to apologize to anybody who’s watching for… for creating a forum… …where evil and hate sought a refuge.

Lucifer: And there’s Queen Wobble herself.

Chloe: Yeah, but where’s the killer?

Leila: And tonight I go down with the ship. (sobs softly) Right alongside all of those awful sins that-that I helped give a voice to. (crying she turns and pleads with someone we can not yet see) Please, please. P-Please, please. D-Don’t make me do this. Please. (whispering)

(We now see Ray, pointing a gun at her and shaking.)

Chloe: There’s Ray, the HR rep.

Lucifer: Oh, goodness me, I should have known. Halitosis… first sign of evil.

Chloe: He had all the access he needed to find his targets and frame Leila.

(Sobbing, Leila pours gasoline from a container over her head. We now see Ray has a lit lighter and is stepping closer to Leila.)

Lucifer: What are you waiting for? Shoot him. If he drops that lighter, he’ll kill her. I don’t have a shot.

Lucifer: (He know he is only vulnerable when Chloe is near him, he pulls her back behind one of the servers to talk to her) Okay, Detective, this next part will be much easier if you’re not here, so I’m gonna politely ask you to leave, okay?

Chloe: I’m not going anywhere. We’re gonna figure this out. Just give me a second.

(Lucifer sighs in frustration. Leila is crying. Chloe is looking around the room and up at the catwalk.)

Lucifer: All right, no rush. Whilst you’re pondering, I’m gonna go and have a word with our killer. (he goes to leave)

Chloe: That’s a great idea.

Lucifer: (He steps back) Sorry, say that again.

(They look at each other. Chloe seems to have a plan.)

Leila: I never meant to cause anybody any pain. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Yeah. (whimpering)

(Ray steps close to Leila with a lit lighter)

Lucifer: (now standing within Ray and Leila’s view and speaking so they can hear.) Hello, Raymond. Hate to, uh, blow up your spot, but I have a question to ask you before you complete this twisted little mise-en-scene.

Ray: (pointing the gun at Lucifer) Stay back. I swear I will drop this, and she is dead.

Lucifer: Oh, gosh, there’s the halitosis. It travels, doesn’t it? You should really get that looked at, but first, indulge me this one simple query. (he pauses and then asks) Why?

Ray: What?

Lucifer: Why are you a punisher? I understand the longing for justice or the joy of sweet revenge, but no one’s forcing you to do this, so why would you take it upon yourself?

Ray: Because I couldn’t take it anymore. All that evil is constantly spreading. I had to do something. I had to punish them.

Lucifer: You’re wrong. You didn’t have to do anything. You wanted to punish them.

Ray: No, that’s not true.

(Lucifer slows starts stepping towards Ray.)

Lucifer: Yes, it started with Nick… that was impulsive. But then you got a taste for blood, and it felt good, didn’t it?

Ray: I was doing my part.

Lucifer: You had big plans to go on a vengeance quest until we came nipping at your heels, at which point poor Leila took the fall. An innocent!

Ray: No, you’re wrong.

Lucifer: And then what, you’d stop? Getaway scot-free? (chuckles) We both know you can’t stop because you love it! Just like the people you punished.

Ray: I don’t! (Lucifer raises an eyebrow as if to say, ‘Don’t lie to me.’) I… I do. I-I like seeing them beg for forgiveness.

Lucifer: You see, the difference between us is that you became part of the problem, Ray. Someone deserving punishment.

Ray: (realizing Lucifer is right) You’re right. (he lowers the gun) I do. We all do.

(Ray is standing next to Leila and the gasoline, closes his eyes, and drops the lit lighter)

Lucifer: (screams) No, wait!

(Suddenly the fire alarm blaring, and a heavy blast of dry chemical fire suppressant cover Lucifer, Ray, and Leila. Alarm stops. Lucifer and Ray stand stunned for a moment then Lucifer punches him hard in the face and knocks Ray out. We now see Chloe up on the catwalk near an open wall panel where she apparently turned on the fire suppression system.)

Chloe: Man, you really don’t shut up.

Lucifer: (brushing powder from is clothes) Congratulations, Detective. I suppose you could say I look quite extinguished.

(Chloe smiles, rolls her eyes, and turns to leave the catwalk. Lucifer goes over to help Leila.)

Lucifer: Right. Shall we get you untied?

Scene:  At Police Precinct

(It’s late. Nearly everyone has gone. Dan sits at his desk working as Chloe comes over to talk with him.)

Chloe: Burning the midnight oil?

Dan: Ha, ha, what can I say? Being everybody’s bitch really sucks.

Chloe: Yeah, well, it won’t last forever. (changing subject) So I’ve had some time to think, and, um… I realize that I’ve been really harsh lately.

Dan: It’s okay…

Chloe: No, let me finish, please. I’ve been really hard on you for a while now. And I’ve been… so upset and so angry. And… I did, I felt really betrayed.

Dan: I know.

Chloe: But I realize you’ve… you’ve been working so hard to make it right, and I feel like, for the sake of Trixie, that we should go on the trip. You know, we should go, like we always have.

Dan: I can’t do that.

Chloe: Wh… What do you mean?

Dan: You were right before. We shouldn’t lie to our daughter.

Chloe: Okay.

Dan: Look, I-I’m always gonna be Trixie’s dad. And I’m always gonna be part of your lives. But we’ve been living in the past for too long. We’re no, we’re no good for Trixie if we’re no good for each other. But I think we both know the truth. It’s time we get a divorce.

Scene:  Inside Lucifer’s Penthouse

(elevator bell dings and the doors open. Lucifer rests against the elevator wall, his jacket slung over his shoulder. Entering the darkened room he tosses the jacket on a chair and heads towards the bar. From behind him, there comes a voice)

Amenadiel: Hello, Luci.

Lucifer: (he turns to see Amenadiel sitting at the desk and realizes the implications) Tell me you didn’t do it.

Amenadiel: Do what?

Lucifer: (angry) Don’t play stupid with me. You know exactly what I’m talking about.

Goddess: Easy, Lucifer. (He turns to see The Goddess standing in the bedroom doorway) Your brother didn’t send me to Hell, if that’s what you’re worried about.

Lucifer: (looking at Amenadile) But you were so adamant.

Goddess: I told you, Lucifer, a mother’s love counts for more than you think.

Amenadiel: (standing up) My time on Earth has helped me to realize that Father has a tendency to overreact.

Lucifer: So you’re going against Dad?

Amenadiel: Things change, brother.

Lucifer: Do they?

Goddess: Well, I for one am grateful that we’re all just in the same room, together, as a family again.

Lucifer: Yes, not so fast, Mother. You see, I did make a promise, and I am a man of my word. I told you that you could stay here until I figured out how to reconcile my deal with Dad, and now I have.

Goddess: So you’re going to punish me anyway?

Lucifer: I am, indeed. And not because I’ve been brainwashed by Dad or I’m trying to prove anything. I punish because I’m good at it. I like giving people their due. Makes me happy.

Goddess: I suppose I can’t ask for a better reason. (scoffs softly)

Lucifer: Which brings me to your sentence. Mother… (inhales sharply) you shall remain right here on Earth amongst the creatures you so despise… as one of them.

Goddess: Wait. You’re going to send me into the life of Charlotte Richards?

Lucifer: Mm-hmm.

Goddess: Well, how’s that supposed to work?

Lucifer: Not my problem.

Goddess: And what if I refuse?

(Amenadiel suddenly is worried his secret could be revealed.)

Lucifer: You can’t fight this, you’re human now.

Goddess: But that husband… And there’s children, right? They’re going to need things.

Lucifer: Oh, I’m counting on it. But if you truly want to be with your sons, then that’s the price that you have to pay.

(The Goddess looks at Amenadiel who stands in solidarity with Lucifer.)

Goddess: (looking back at Lucifer) So be it.

Scene:  On A Dark Side Street

(The Goddess is walking by herself. As she turns a corner a man grabs her. She gasps. grunting)

Man: Your money or your life, bitch.

Goddess: I-I choose money. Does anyone choose life? That doesn’t very…

Man: Come here! (The man grabs her.) I’ll give you what you want!

Goddess: Just hold on. I said, hold on!

(The Goddess, now afraid for her life, shoves the man, hard. He flies across the alley and slams into a wall, falls to the ground, and lies motionless, apparently dead. At first, The Goddess is shaken and bewildered. She looks at her hands wondering how she did that. Then she smiles and confidently continues on her way.)

Old habits, old habits die

Old habits die hard

Old habits, old habits

Old habits die, old habits die hard

Old habits, old habits

Old habits die, old habits die hard

Old habits.